Tuesday, August 18, 2015

हर वक़्त की गुंजाइश में
हर वक़्त निकल जाता है

हर शोर छुपी ख़ामोशी से
एक गूँज पास लाता है

हर दरख़्त ढूंढ ढूंढ के
अपने रुके दबे सैलाब को

नसों के बस पास मरोड़ता है …
रुका, दबा, थमा ही पाता  है …

ये दिल भी क्या अजीब चीज़ है मिर्ज़ा !
दौड़ता है तो बस आँधियों की तरह

थमता है तो थमता ही चला जाता है ……

Friday, February 5, 2010

आरज़ुओं का चाँद...

खुले कपड़ों में बैठ, एक रात चाँद ओढ़ सोना है..

आरजुओं की क़िताब में एक गीला पन्ना भिगोना है..

इन ऊंची इमारतों के बीच, ज़मीं पर

कहीं एक छोटा कोना मिल जाये..

उसी छोटे कोने को

धूप के तिनकों से संजोना है...

"बड़ा"- जिसे दुनिया बड़ा कहती है

वो पैसों से नहीं होता

कल उठूंगा दोपहर, तो

शायद भूल चुका होऊंगा...

कल फिर दिन भर पसीने में लिपटकर

अपने तंग हालातों को रोऊंगा...

रात फिर आएगी चाँदनी की रजाई पसारे,

रात फिर बैठ, चाँदी दोनों हाथों से संजोऊंगा..

अजीब कुदरत है मालिक, दिन मिट्टी - रात "सोना" है

खुले कपड़ों में बैठ, फ़िर एक रात, चाँदनी संजोना है...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

bhasad...or ramblings as usual....

fear is cool...fear is unstoppable..we fear, for we can't do otherwise.....pressure, anger too, are nothing but forms of fear...the word 'fearless' ought to be a one worded paradox if reason and evolution are to be believed. why do i equate fear with anger??? why do i say it is a paradox? o yes!! how would you explain anger?..in fact let's take this piecemeal...

so...what is anger? an instinct that tells us things are not what they ought to be according to US!!



well, to begin with, the situation entails different feelings in different humans, doesn't it? to the weak, it causes- desperation. to the adapting, it causes- compromise (with a sigh, though), and to the mighty-anger.

anger, hence, is a virtue of the mighty. a thought perhaps too akin to that of our national poet(read Dr. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar).

having said that, does getting angry mean that one is mighty?

NO!! anger is a an intuit. it is a REaction. which means that there ought to be actions first. and hence, anger is NOT even the domain of the mighty. it is an open reaction, akin to both the mighty, as well as the lesser mortals.

so what do we categorise anger with? in fact, CAN anger in itself be a display of strength OR weakness?

from what we have set out as premises, clearly the answer is "NO".

so anger is a 'virtue' of the weak as well as the strong. however, the reactions to this intuit are indeed circumstantial. and call for a greater inspection than what has hitherto been discussed.

case 1- if anger indeed is a public property, how shall the 'weak' react?
case 2- if anger indeed is a public property, how shall the 'not so weak' react?
case 3- if anger indeed is a public property, how shall the 'mighty' react?

(forgive me for my three 'generalised' categories)

case1- they cannot react and shall conform to the established. this has, and will remain the basic mode of evolution. Darwin has written enough about it already. and when the weak begin to show their traits, i.e. when the weak decide to give vent to their anger, there ARE TWO POSSIBLE CASES AGAIN. either their voices WILL be heard or they WON'T. if their voices are NOT heard, they remain the so called 'weak'. and if their voices ARE heard, mankind witnesses events like the French revolution and the Indian struggle for independence. cases that imply that their categorisation as 'weak' in the first place does not hold. so in either case, case 1 is null and void. for in the first case they CANNOT react and hence DO NOT matter. and in the second case, when they DO matter, they are no longer entitled to be called 'weak'.

case 2- the 'not so weak' have been the 'adaptive' epitomes of mankind. thereby depriving humans of ANY extremities that it could have achieved. these are the so called 'bourgeois'- the class that was born to serve. i do not say this because of any biases. you just take the pages of history and they shall bear witness to this hypothesis. this breed knows only one thing- compliance. the greatest apple polishers, and in fact the greatest 'well-known' were born in this category. they started with 'borrowed mindsets', continued with 'plagiarised principles' and finished with 'hackneyed hold-it-on's'. parasites, that lived and perished as parasites. contd...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

my albatross...

relationships are like fire...you need to keep stoking them...one small nap and the fire turns to cinders...the cinders DEMAND a breath..as if oxygen were THEIR right..not the creator's...it's nauseating to keep stoking the fire...worst of all, the fire forgets..and forgets at a speed faster than that of the proverbial hare....heck! even the hare stopped to rest...

humans have forever shown a tendency to feel pampered...and you know what, the pamperers NEED to rest at times for heaven's sake!!! sillence is a right!! It's a birthright!! but no..one ought to speak, one must in fact... how else woulld the fire keep burning...but wait a moment...what if the weather changes? what if the creator of the fire does NOT need warmth anymore? would it be ethical to stub out the fire? wouldn't the fire have the right to resist? you bet it would- IF it had a conscience...the creator would have an obligation to heed its conscience..but hang on...if it were that the created fulfilled its obligation, clung patiently to the cinders when the creator slept, went tender when the flames became ferocious, soothed the senses when the weather changed...wouldn't it be THEN that the fire HAD a conscience??? if at all times, it kept just its one trait alive-fire- would it then have a conscience? NO..it would remain a creation then..an unearthly being of a an unearthly dimension, devoid of any earthly bound significances..and as such, devoid of any moral or ethical (earthly definitions both) peripheral significances. but alas!!!!!

things change...but to compare the change or to label it, one must have the bases ready. for without the bases, change itself is meaningless. the intellectual uncouth, unfortunately, do not realise this simple dictum.....

fight your own battles, and people assume you don't have any...heck!! if they have their own publicised ones in the meantime, they even blame you......

so brothers and sisters, if you want to have a so called 'healthy' image in the society, please shout out your problems, even if you know they are going to fall on ears that are going to, through their mouths in turn, shout a lot of meaningless help by BEING PRESENT...letting the fire realise that they are there to stoke it..baah!!

i once told myself that i'll have to fight it out in my own way.  believe me, iwas so proud to have had the realisation that for at least the next ten years i kept boasting about it...and then....well i knew that the realisation was supposed to have made me react EXACTLY the opposite way!!! i was hated, despised, and even ostracised for my boasts fort his entire period. now i dont talk about my problems..and suddenly people have started liking me.... :) ...grand....

so it doesn't matter what you feel. people, even your friends, are interested in hearing what they are interested in hearing. tell them a story that would make them feel that they should help, and that's all they want. Napoleon had learnt it at 23. he was wise. he had a mission. he could be ruthless, he could afford to be ruthless. he had fed his 'friends' with what they wanted to be fed with. i do not have that luxury...i became ruthless with my servings instead...i deprived my friends from their so called 'right' to help me...that's my blasphemy...that's my 'cross' to bear...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

mumqin hi to hai....

कह दो एक बार तो चाँद तोड़ना मुमकिन हो जाए
तुम्हारे तस्सव्वुर में आके ईमान जोड़ना मुम्क़िन हो जाए

आधी उम्र तो बीत गई हो शायद
फ़िर भी कहीं मुस्कान जोड़ना मुम्क़िन हो जाए

रफ्ता - रफ्ता बीत रही है आंखों की मुद्दत
आपके आने से अरमान जोड़ना मुम्क़िन हो जाए

कहीं खो जायें हम आके अख्तियार में
ख़ुद को इंसान जोड़ना मुम्क़िन हो जाए

आपकी आंखों को देखा......
अब मुक़द्दर का इन्तज़ाम होना मुम्क़िन हो जाए

हो गया था लहू सख्त ज़ख्म खा-खा के
अब इसका रिसना परेशां होके मुम्क़िन हो जाए....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

मर जायेंगे एक दिन, कोई सुननेवाला नहीं होगा....
न रक़ीब न हमदम न हमसफ़र कहीं होगा....
पत्थर न मारो यहाँ, दीवानों का शहर है

जो ये भी उठ गया जहाँ से....
किसको मुहब्बत पर कभी यक़ीन होगा!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

As I stand adrift, with thy sight yonder..
The heart aches, and begins to ponder...

The day that dawned to have thee such..
I pined too far..I loved too much...

For a day shall come, when to thy surprise...
In my breaths, the sun wouldn't rise....

Don't fret my love, for my departure...
The sun SHALL set, the sun SHALL rise...

I'll live in thee, for so I choose...
A meaning forlorn, a scent begone...
A chord that pulls, a chord that binds...
An unfinished lyric....of an unfinished song.....

Those unspoken whispers..the umbilical touch...
The blood of oneness..that whispered yet much...
The yen for thy nostrils...thy skin so white..
Thy thick black hair..that shamed the night...

The sound of thy laughter..the sound of thy feet...
Thy very own melody...that speaks through my sheet......

A night spent together...a night far above....
Ahh!! What I would not give...for a tinge of that night's love.......